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The Theatre of Coffee

The Theatre of Coffee


After over 30 years in the coffee roasting business in Sydney I thought we’d seen it all - the enormous surge of the Italian espresso cafes back in the 80’s in Sydney, the rise of the latte as art in the 1990’s, the fame of the boho baristas through the noughties. We thought it had to plateau and here’s an opportunity to settle back into the big comfy lounge chair - feet up, sitting back and enjoying our long blacks but every week there is a new coffee based trend hitting social media, coffee is always in the news, and there’s a surge in industry based events crowning World Champion baristas, latte art champions, coffee beer brewers, barista bartenders with their signature coffee martinis and there golden tamp trophies, and Coffee roasters releasing new blends, microlots and origins in cupping sessions for their die hard fans.

I suppose in an industry fueled by caffeine, resting and relaxing is no-one's main objective!

This is coffee in the 21st Century and the new Theatre of Coffee - cold brews, nitro brew, infusions, 3d latte art, coffee cocktails and coffee tonics. The stage has been set and it’s a full house at every performance! The public loves it, the baristas love their public, even the roasters are heading for rockstar status in 2015. Cold brewers are adding stories to their towers as we speak, Lab equipment is disappearing at alarming rates, distillers and brewers are mixing malts, adding nitrogen and carbonating, sipping, stewing and brewing, Roasters are touring through South America looking for a micro farm with a golden bean.

The coffee menu in cafes have more options on them then the food menu, with a selection of milks including soy, cashew and almond, pumpkin spice and chai then voila!! someone sticks a donut and a pretzel in your ice coffee and a new freaklatte craze begins.

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